whats going on

Humboldt Forum Berliner Schloss

Kunst-am-Bau competition: The Humboldt Forum in the Berlin Palace.

The Humboldt Forum Berlin will open at the end of 2019. In 2018 I made a design for the Humboldt Forum together with my colleague, Wil van Blokland (nominated as the best 18 of the 135 submissions).


Five lime trees serve as “wish trees”. Wishes have been written onto 1443 strips of Chinese porcelain, and fastened to stainless steel cables in the crowns of the trees. The lime tree: the symbol of justice, love, peace, Heimat, a place of coming together. It is an expression of shared powers, and such, a gesture against violence and exclusion.

designed by: Wil van Blokland & Stephanie Rhode 2018